
5 SEO Tool You Must Use For Your Website Monitoring in 2021?

Website monitoring is a crucial aspect to make sure that every aspect is working smoothly and you are getting the most SEO benefits. As there are so many things that you need to check, it sometimes becomes overwhelming to handle. And, with the availability of a lot of tools in the market, choosing the best one is also a challenge in itself.

To make website monitoring easier and faster for you, we have collected the five best tools that you can use and keep track of your site. Some of the tools are paid and some of the monitoring tools are free to use, based on your requirement, pick the right one and get started.

1. Ahrefs

When it comes to backlink and keyword analysis, you can use Ahrefs without any kind of second thought. This tool’s audit feature will give you all the important information that you will need to know about your website. Be it keywords rankings, SEO analysis, or backlinks management, Ahrefs is a pro when it comes to monitoring.

Along with the core analysis, you also get improvement suggestions from this tool that you can implement and boost your SEO rankings. And, if you are planning for comprehensive competitive research, this tool has your back. Be it keywords, top-ranking articles, backlinks, or brand mentions, Ahrefs can provide you a lot of insightful data.

Coming to Ahrefs prices, this is a paid tool and you can get it at a price of $99 per month. And if you are not sure about spending this upfront, you can also opt for a 7-day trial which is only $7.

2. Ubersuggest

If you are just starting out and looking for a free tool for keyword monitoring and a way to increase organic traffic, Ubersuggest is for you. This tool is offered by popular digital marketer Neil Patel and considering the features, it’s a powerhouse for free.

Be it finding new keywords for your blogs to checking out keyword competition and density for free, Ubersuggest is always available to you. Along with Google search, if you are optimizing for YouTube or Amazon, this tool can handle your all queries.

This could be a good tool for initial competitor research on the go and generate important data for further analysis. Along with all this, Ubersuggest gives you various insights about the sites that are ranking on the top 10 positions of Google search. This tool also offers you paid plans which start from as low as $12 per month.

3. Screaming Frog

It’s a must-have tool for conducting a quick website crawl and finding out the existing issues without wasting time. Screaming Frog is a system-based application so you need to install it first to use it. This tool is very helpful as it finds out all the common issues that a website has with the comprehensive data set.

Be it broken links, redirects, meta tags, or duplicate content, this tool is a powerhouse for conducting a full-fledged technical audit of your site. If you are just starting out with a website audit then this is a perfect tool to get the job done. Along with all these features, this tool can also analyze your website structure and suggest improvements for the same. Screaming Frog is free to use the tool and you will get a lot of useful insights from this tool.

4. Google Search Console

This is a free and one of the most powerful tools from Google that every website owner should use to monitor their site in 2021. With Google Search Console, you can ding down into various technical aspects of your site and figure out existing issues. Be it your top ranking keywords, indexing issues, sitemap submission, or impressions, this tool is a goldmine for anyone who wants to know their website’s performance.

You can connect your Google Analytics with GSC and get more insights about your site and perform the needful changes. Google Search Console is especially useful if you have manual actions taken by Google by any chance. You can directly resolve the manual action and ensure all SEO efforts are working fine.

5. LinkResearchTools

This is a highly advanced backlink tracking and monitoring tool that you can use in 2021 and make the most of your SEO efforts. You can conduct a comprehensive internal and external link analysis of your site and find fix issues if there are any. As compared to other tools, LinkResearchTools is a fast tool that can save you a lot of time. LinkResearchTools is a paid tool and it comes with a price tag of $499 per month.

These were the top five tools for monitoring your site in 2021 and improve your search rankings. If you are wondering which paid tool to buy, then we recommend you to go for their trial versions then decide.

Author Bio –

With over 13 years of experience as a leader in digital marketing, Mansi Rana is Managing Director of EZ Rankings – SEO Reseller India. Passionate about all things data; providing actionable business intelligence in digital, future tech; and venture bubbles categories for everyone, everywhere.

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