
Embracing A New Career After A Workplace Injury

Embracing A New Career After A Workplace Injury

Around 2.3 million women and men around the world have a work-related accident/injury or disease every year, as reported by the ILO. The construction industry has a dramatically higher rate of accidents than other industries, and younger and older workers are particularly vulnerable. Having a workplace accident can cause trauma and, in some cases, result in a desire for a career change. If you have experienced a workplace accident and you wish to follow a new professional path, the following tips may help.

Receiving Due Compensation

If your accident or injury was caused by poor working conditions or negligence on the part of your employers, then pursuing your legal rights is a vital way to buy you time and ensure that you are compensated for pain, lost earning capacity, cost of care, and other factors. It is important to see a legal professional as soon as possible, since, as reported by the experts at JJS Justice (, statutes of limitations often have short deadlines for notifying an employer with respect to workplace injuries (this period typically ranges from 30 to 60 days). The deadlines for making a claim for workers’ compensation, meanwhile, range from one to two years from the injury (depending on your state).

Seeing A Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist

Experts in vocational rehabilitation help individuals apply for a new job by their discussing interests and (if pertinent) by conducting psychometric tests to determine transferable skills, experience, and soft skills that are well suited to a new profession. Vocational rehabilitation services are usually covered by your employer’s insurance policy, and are meant to aid those who have acquired a disability that impedes their chances of employment, and who have the potential to receive training/education so they can embark upon a new career.

Choosing A New Degree Or Diploma Course

Furthering your education or starting a new degree or diploma course can significantly up your chances of employment. This might also be a good time to obtain a Master’s or other type of postgraduate qualification, which can result in a higher-paying job. Recent research by Business Insider showed that some states had a pay disparity of up to 167% between those college grads and non-college grads – indicating the extent to which college is still a good investment, despite the high costs. If your economic situation demands that you obtain employment quickly, part-time study might be an option to get you on the track to a higher-paying job. It is important to take things one step at a time, of course, since research indicates that after a workplace injury, workers can feel depressed or anxious, and often, they need weeks or months of rehabilitation and/or therapy before they are ready to rejoin the workforce.


Millions of employees across the globe face workplace accidents, injuries or illnesses every year. Those who do should obtain legal help, since any compensation received will enable them to receive the best treatment, while also taking time to retrain or study for another career. A vocational rehabilitation expert can help conduct tests to gauge suitability for other jobs, while a life coach can help individuals obtain greater clarity regarding where they wish to head.

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