
Software Development Trends For 2021 You Need To Know

Software Development Trends For 2021

We are almost at the end of the year 2020 and have adopted a lot of software to keep our work going while dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic from our homes.

Software development has grown a lot this year to make work from home easy. Now, many of us are waiting for 2021 to see the advanced trends in software development.

How Covid-19 Pandemic Has Impacted Software Development?

COVID-19 pandemic has emerged as a big shock to every industry. Some companies had to follow lockdown while some instantly adopted remote work tools to keep their work going.

This has been the time when a large chunk of companies realized the real importance of digital transformation.

A multitude of companies opted for SaaS (Software as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service). Even when unlock has been started, there is no sign of deceleration in the adoption of these services.

In 2021, these services are expected to get even more traction due to the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

There are going to be a lot of transformations in software development in 2021. Out of them, we have listed a few trends that are expected to be seen in the coming year.

1. The prominence of React JS, Node JS, and Angular 2+

The three frameworks that ruled 2020 were React, Node JS, and Angular 2+. In 2021, we can see them going nowhere. Why? Let us tell you that.

Speaking about Angular 2+, it is one of the top choices of developers because it helps in effortless routing. You can develop compelling user interfaces using Angular 2+.

Node JS is going to be trending in 2021 being lightweight and fast. If you are looking to build scalable and fast networking applications, you can completely trust Node JS.

JavaScript Framework Developers are considering React JS over many other frameworks. If you are tired of writing codes, React JS is for you. The implementation of virtual DOM gives you better performance.

2. Emphasis on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence, at the forefront, has already transformed the world to a great extent. Without any signs of pause, AI will continue to make our world better than yesterday in the year 2021.

The lowering costs of large datasets & computing power and their easy accessibility are some of the factors encouraging more developers to adopt artificial intelligence.

As the demand for advancements and smart devices is increasing, the adoption of artificial intelligence is also surging. The time is quite close when we will see artificial intelligence as an indivisible part of applications.

3. Focus on Human Augmentation

When everything is advancing, then why not human capabilities? Human augmentation is a technology being adopted for expanding human capabilities. There are implants, genetic modifications, prosthetics, etc., available in the market.

But human augmentation technologies are still experiencing developments to improve human lives. One popular example that you can see is Google Glass.

4. Rise of Internet Of Things (IoT)

Smart devices are rapidly becoming a conventional part of human lives. Smart speakers, car gadgets, smart wearable devices, etc., are already gaining a lot of traction.

People are becoming more health-conscious, which is one of the major reasons behind the rapid adoption of smart wearable devices.

IoT comes with endless possibilities and developments are still undergoing. In the coming years, we can definitely see exceptional advancements owing to the integration of IoT with AI & big data.

These advancements are going to enhance the quality of life and transform the way many industries operate. Many IoT engineers are expected to work on their programming skills to write code and offer better & energy-efficient connected devices.

5. The popularity of Kotlin, Scala, and Java

Java Programming is already dominating the market and similar trends are going to be there in 2021. Along with Java, Scala and Kotlin are gaining equal recognition.

To make programming easy in all of these languages, Java has its runtime, Java Virtual Machine for making the life of programmers easy.

You can use JVM not only for Java, but also for Kotlin, Scala, and other programs. Even after the hike in subscription fees of JVM, it is worth investing in because of the effortlessness it induces in programming.

6. Significance of SQL Databases

Incontestably, SQL has witnessed high demand and delivered significant profits to its users. Even many people now believe that it is almost impossible for the software industry to run without SQL databases.

In 2021, it is going to be considered among the top databases. The reason behind this is the durable ACID transactional guarantees that SQL offers.

SQL has competitors, such as Google’s Spanner and Amazon’s Aurora in the market, but SQL is still not going to lose its place. How? Aurora has many SQL features, but it doesn’t have horizontal write scaling.

On the other hand, Spanner fulfills the requirement of horizontal write scaling but cannot support a myriad range of SQL features.

7. Rapid Adoption of Cloud

Cloud technology is already being favored by the good notability and experiencing rapid adoption, which is driving the demand growth graph upwardly.

Leveraging the demand, cloud service providers are buckling up their shoes to make even more bucks in 2021. Be it a startup or any government organization, everyone is turning to cloud vendors for services.

In 2021, a large number of companies will be seen moving to the cloud. The eminent cloud service providers in the market are Microsoft, Amazon, and Google. These companies are adopting various strategies to attract more customers.

They are offering free credits to encourage companies to adopt the cloud. These strategies to attract companies are likely to deliver positive results in the coming year and benefit these cloud vendors.

8. The upsurge in the Number of Young Coders

Today, if you see around, the one thing that you will find is everything is running on technology. Many innovative minds are behind these technological transformations.

To encourage these innovative minds, the education system is being topped with coding at an early age in school. Now, young minds can learn to code and use that knowledge to bring on more developments in the software industry.

We cannot expect every kid to become a software developer in the end, but the world will be left with a large number of developers in the end.

Those young, innovative, and self-taught minds will be capable enough to blur the lines between them and established developers. This is going to be a net expansion and the world needs to see this.

9. Prioritization of Security in Software Development

As we earlier discussed, cloud technology is gaining more popularity every day. Even developers are looking forward to getting cloud services from reliable cloud vendors to make software programming secure from start to end. Security is the topmost concern for everyone.

Hence, right from writing the code to selecting a cloud provider, developers must stay concerned about security.

Among a multitude of cloud vendors, developers should first analyze their requirements and then choose one. The security features offered by all the service providers should be compared.

What are you getting for free, what is out-of-the-box offering, which subscription is not burning your pocket? Some of the primary offerings that you should look for are virtual private cloud, distributed denial of service (DDoS), and built-in firewalls.

10. The momentousness of Native App Development

As the number of smartphone users is accelerating, many companies operating in various industries are shifting their focus to native app development.

Smartphones are not at all losing their grip in the market anytime soon, which is attracting large investments in multiple native apps for Android and iOS. Banking and fintech industries are anticipated to outlay a significant amount in native app development.

The software industry has Flutter and React Native delivering faster development velocity. But native app development is not losing its place because of the powerful performance and the quality of user experience it provides.

11. Progression of Progressive Web Apps

Notably, people are considering web apps over websites. Why? The reason is web apps are easy to access, offers better functionality, and delivers top-class performance.

You don’t have to drain a lot of internet data for using web apps. And who doesn’t want a better full-screen and full-fledged experience?

As the developments are still going on, 2021 can see a major shift towards PWA adoption. We have already seen AliExpress, Forbes, Twitter, and Pinterest jumping to PWA and the list will have many more members added in 2021.

12. Endorsement of Big Data

Be it any year, big data doesn’t seem to lose its position among top trends in software development. The rising demand for batch processing frameworks is going to give a boost to the adoption of big data in 2021.

Social media data, clickstream media, climatic change research, and document or text analysis are some of the use cases, which are going to endorse big data in the coming time.


Here our list of software development trends for 2021 ends and now, you know about all of them.

Developments in the software industry are incessant, but the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the world to come up with remarkable transformations in a shorter time span.

2021 is definitely the most awaited year and technological shifts are going to be worth watching this year.

Author Name:- Harikrishna Kundariya

Biography:- Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, ChatBot & Blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz Technologies, A Mobile App Development Company. His 8+ experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on IoT and ChatBot.

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