
Why Investing In Content Marketing Is Important for Online Business

This isn’t the 2000s. Your website isn’t going to get more traffic unless you market it the right way. No traffic means no sales. And no sales mean that your business will fail and shut down. To not let that happen you need to learn how content marketing and Guest Posting Service works in 2020.

The Era of Data-Driven Content Marketing

Content marketing isn’t just about creating content and then sharing it on social media, other blogs. It is much more than that, especially since Google’s ranking criteria have become a lot more complex. Popular blogs now focus on data-driven content marketing strategies that can bring their content to the limelight in the fastest way possible. And, if they fail, they can always know what parameters led them to failure and then they can change them within a matter of minutes.

An example of data-driven content marketing is, consider that more visitors are coming to your website. But they bounce off within 30 seconds. What do you make of this? The content is optimized for search engines but it doesn’t provide value to the users.

This means you need to improve content quality. At the same time, you can add a Net Promoter Score (NPS) scale that visitors can use to rate your content on a scale of 0 to 9, where 0 is the worst and 9 being the best. You can place the NPS calculator either as a popup on the content page, or a slider at the bottom of the page. Both ways work until they are providing you feedback.

Why Content Marketing Still Matters?

Content marketing has evolved from just writing to creating experiences and memories for people. Content now includes multiple ways of expression including blogs, tweets, videos, images, customer case studies, testimonials, user reviews, criticism, gossip, company briefings, press releases, advertisements, advertorials, sponsored content, native placements, and product overviews. All type of content is part of the content marketing efforts of a company. And, the reason companies do this is because of brand awareness and promotion of their products. In short:

Content Marketing = More Sales

Investing In Content Marketing That brings Results

Let’s learn how you can invest in a content marketing strategy that brings long-term results for your business.

1. Create a Working Content Strategy

Investing in content marketing of your brand will help you create a working content strategy for your business. There are tons of expert content strategists available, yet most businesses still suck at content marketing. Why? Because they don’t consider hiring the best talent for their efforts. For them, spending money on advertisements is a much better option than creating long-lasting content that keeps on bringing sales again and again.

By investing in the right content strategy, you will be able to remove bottlenecks that are becoming a problem in your content efforts.

2. Produce Content On Niche-Specific Topics

The best way to rank your website higher in search engines is to produce content on niche-specific topics. Niche-specific topics are targeted towards a certain audience but they are more likely to bring results because not everyone is focusing on them. Let’s say you want to write about ‘Cons of Using Gutenberg in WordPress’. You can easily find out how many people are writing about the negative aspects of Gutenberg. There aren’t many. This is something that can give you leverage and turn you into an authority on the topic. Other publications will soon start promoting you as the person who knows all the negative impacts of Gutenberg.

Note: You need to do some careful research before you can claim a positive or negative point about a product. The Internet is ruthless when it comes to defaming someone. If you haven’t done your homework, it can turn against you as well.

Google has many search strings to help you find specific material on the web, which you can combine into search strings.

This search command will show you pages that contain the exact phrases, in this case pages using both “blogging” and “write for us”.

This process is both simple and complex; there are only a handful of modifiers, but they can be combined in many different ways. The only limit is your creativity.

3. Build Your Business as a Brand

The brand focus on experiences rather than sales. This is because they are in the game for the long-term. They aren’t just about turning a profit and then moving onto another business. This is what differentiates brands from businesses and this is what makes them more successful than companies that are only in the game for profit.

“One of the most appealing parts of guest posting is that it will allow you to enter into a pre-established community where you will be able to share your unique message,” Globex Outreach, a guest posting website, says.

 A study suggests customers are 89% more likely to buy from brands than businesses – Small Biz Genius

So, here is what you should be doing to turn your business into a brand:

4. Turn Yourself Into an Authority

Another reason to invest in enhanced content marketing for your website is to turn yourself into an authority. Let’s say you write on dropshipping and ecommerce but people rarely read your blogs. When you invest in better content marketing efforts, your blogs are likely to get published in places that have a following. These people will become aware of your writings and this is what matters.

You can easily turn yourself into authority by going niche. If your field is WordPress, then start publishing regular content on WordPress hosting and its problems. Soon, web hosting companies will be pitching you to become their affiliates. This is how WPBeginner’s Syed Balkhi became a digital celebrity.

In most cases, you don’t even need to be the writer of all blogs. As Syed Balkhi doesn’t write all his blogs, he has a team doing it for him. You can do the same. You just need to know what specific niche to target, and the content marketing agency you hire will take care of the rest.

 5. Get Contextual Links for Your Website

The best benefit you can get through your content marketing efforts is to get contextual links to your website. There are many sites out there that will be looking for new, rich, and focused content around various topics. If you can invest in good marketing efforts and write long-form, well-researched articles on your blog, these publications are likely to link back to you. In return, they will give you editorial links for FREE.

Take big names like Matthew Woodward, Brian Dean, and Rand Fishkin. Whatever they write is cited at many resources just because it was written under their name. Now, even if they were not the actual writers of the topic – which in most cases is true – they are getting viral recognition. This is because by constant efforts they have built themselves as a brand. Investing in good content marketing strategies can do the same for you.


In 2020, the need for better content marketing efforts will shoot to the top. If you want to stay ahead in the game, beat the competition, and establish yourself in the industry as an authority, then this is the right time to invest in some SOLID content marketing efforts and make that count. As Gary Vaynerchuck says, ‘CRUSH IT!’ and put ZERO weight into anyone’s opinion about yourself.

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