Are you Looking how to increase and speed up your steam downloads? Steam is the most leading and popular gaming platform on the computer, with millions of active daily users. The size of its user base should not come as a surprise because it offers a massive number of games that can be purchased at affordable prices & played instantly.
Well, not really instantly. Firstly, you need to download your game, which can be challenging at times. Modern games are becoming more significant every year because of all the graphics & customization improvements. AAA titles will take up to 100 GB of space or capacity, which is enormous compared to game sizes from just five years ago.
Furthermore, other gamers would tell you to get a better connection or get off the McDonald’s Wi-Fi. Still, sometimes games download forever, even if you have ultrafast fiber-optic Internet. It is not due to your connection, but rather due to some in-app issues Steam has.
Read further to find out how to increase and speed up your steam downloads.
5 Easy Ways to Speed Up Steam Downloads
Do not lose hope if your Steam download speed remains an equivalent after trying out one among these methods. Undergo all of them, and you’ll surely see some improvement.
1. Terminate Unnecessary Processes
Everyone should know this one, but allow us to re-evaluate it just in case. Open up Task Manager by pressing the Ctrl, Alt, & Delete buttons at an equivalent time or Ctrl, Shift, and Esc. Close your browser and other programs that will affect your download speed.
Check out the Network tab to ascertain if something is hogging it. Tap on End task after selecting the program that provides you trouble, and it should close directly.
2. Give Priority to Steam Downloads
You can use the Task Manager to assure maximum download speed on Steam. Confirm Steam is running afterward to open the Task Manager. Now find Steam Client on the list of processes, then right-click it, and tap Go to details.
Within the details window, you would like to right-click the SteamService.exe process and set its priority to High. This method won’t do wonders for your Steam download speed, but a minimum of it’ll prioritize it over the opposite currently running programs.
3. Check Download Region & Bandwidth Limit
Did you know! Does steam use your location or area for downloads? Your download speed will be even affected by the area you’re in, but Steam can sometimes detect the wrong region. For optimal results, you must always select your region or one closest to you.
You can do this by following these instructions or steps:
- When you open Steam, tap on the Steam menu in the top-left corner.
- Then select Settings.
- Click on the Downloads section.
- You’ll see Download Region with a dropdown menu where you can choose the region closest to you.
- Plus, make sure that the “Limit bandwidth to” option is set to No limit.
Remember that sometimes the region closest to you is not the most suitable option. Due to massive traffic in said area, selecting a different location can sometimes actually boost or increase your download speed even if it is further away.
4. Disable Antivirus and Firewall
Occasionally your firewall or antivirus programs interfere with your download speeds. Attempt to disable each of them to ascertain if there’s any change. Check the manual or website of your antivirus provider to determine the way to disable it.
Windows 10 firewalls are often easily disabled by typing firewall within the start menu then select Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off. Finally, you would like to verify this by selecting the Turn Off Windows Defender Firewall checkbox & pressing OK.
5. Optimize Internet Connection
Not everyone can afford the simplest internet connection speeds, but a minimum of you’ll optimize it to its full potential. First of all, try always to possess a cable Ethernet connection while you’re downloading anything, including games on Steam. Wi-Fi doesn’t always provide optimal download speeds. Ensure your LAN drivers are up to date to reap the full benefits of this type of connection. Many programs can easily update all your drivers, but most of them are costly. SlimDrivers comes in both free & premium versions, which are excellent for downloading all the latest drivers.
Release Some Steam
Slow or unstable internet speed is one of the most annoying or frustrating things in modern society. Hopefully, this will help you in Speed Up Steam Downloads and download your most-liked games faster, just in time for the next big Steam sale.
Did these methods assist in improving and increasing your download speeds? Which titles are you most wanting to get your hands on within the next Steam sale? Then let us know in the below comments section.