Best 8 Supercharge Airtable Tools You Can Use

Supercharge Airtable

Supercharge Airtable Tools You Can Use: Airtable is among the most prominent names in the no-code and low-code markets. Airtable is a platform that lets users create powerful, customized applications without writing a single line of code. This platform provides collaborative environments to create and share relational databases. Airtable can be used for a variety of purposes, including the management of large-scale video production and the monitoring of job interviews. With Airtable’s automation feature, you can also reduce manual labor. Is this possible without coding? When creating an application, you can use Airtable to create a database to store various pieces of information. The database can then power visualizations, processes, and integrations and make custom applications that suit your requirements.

Why Should You Consider Using Airtable?

Light & User-friendly Interface – Developing apps on Airtable is simple. The tool includes various guides to help you create and promote your apps.

Supports Collaboration – In a typical business, there are numerous departments. Airtable provides various tools to ensure you share the right data with the right people. Through the collaboration features, you receive input from every team member.

Integrates With Various Tools – Gmail, Slack, and Dropbox are just a few tools that Airtable integrates with. Additionally, you can integrate this platform with over a thousand other tools and websites.

Highly Customizable – Due to Airtable’s high customizability, you do not have to rely on stale layouts. You can always modify existing templates to suit your requirements.

Things You Can Do With Airtable

Bug Tracking

Testing software is an integral part of the software development life cycle. Documenting and monitoring issues, also known as bug tracking, can be monotonous. Quality Assurance Analysts require a problem tracking tool. Airtable has a defect management template that can be customized.

SWOT Analysis

Well, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis enables organizations to comprehend the four crucial aspects of a business: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The Airtable SWOT template makes it easy to understand all of these factors. You can further categorize these elements as internal or external.

Campaign Tracking

The benefit of digital campaigns is that their performance across channels can be tracked. Airtable has various tools to help you monitor Campaigns, Expenses, and ROI. This campaign tracking template can help business owners evaluate the performance of their campaigns across multiple platforms. The template includes a results table that can help determine the efficacy of previous campaigns.

Product Launching

Developing a product does not guarantee that a business will make purchases. Product launch is an essential phase of a product’s lifecycle because it introduces the product to new customers. Airtable has a template that allows business owners to align their objectives with the product launch. The template contains multiple features that facilitate collaboration between team members.

Create Product Catalogues

A company may have one or a few products when it is just beginning. However, as they expand, they may introduce new products. Managing product quality and supplier relationships becomes difficult. Airtable provides a product catalog template with numerous views, search capabilities, and filters to help you quickly access information about your products.

Create Sales CRM

Customer Relationship Management tools manage the interactions and relationships between a company and its customers. Airtable has template that features features that help users connect with customers, expedite processes, and increase profitability. Members can create a customized view of the Sales CRM, such as the Kanban view, to examine the performance of transactions within the sales funnel. Plan to use Airtable to create your next application? Check out these tools you can use with Airtable to make your apps more powerful.

Best Supercharge Airtable Tools

As we curated, the best Supercharge Airtable tools are listed below.

1. Capiche

Supercharge Airtable

Capiche is a community of software power users to increase software transparency. The platform aims to connect power users and SaaS to share insights, pricing information, and negotiation strategies to make more informed technology decisions. Well, Business owners can create software guides to make it straightforward for customers to use their low-code apps. Capiche provides all the information necessary for users to understand the pricing of various apps. Capiche provides reviews from actual users to help prospective customers make educated decisions.

2. PaytableSupercharge Airtable

Paytable allows you to add a members-only section to your website and sell secure access to your Airtable data. It is the optimal option for monetizing information products and research. Paytable allows you to sell data that can help people learn new concepts. You can sell curated resources on topics such as programming, marketing, and even language acquisition using Paytable. You can sell data on funding & investment opportunities with a few keystrokes. Paytable offers a 14-day free trial, with paid programs beginning at $29 monthly.

3. Budibase


Budibase allows you to create, automate, and scale internal applications easily. This Supercharge Airtable tool lets you connect Airtable as your data source & create powerful apps in minutes. The apps developed with this tool are compatible with smartphones, tablets, and personal computers. To help you create powerful apps, Budibase offers a variety of building elements, including Tables, Cards, and Charts. Also, you can create multi-step forms, public forms, and surveys using the included tools. You can configure Budibase to automate tasks like sending emails and notifications.

4. Miniextensions


Miniextensions includes several extensions that make Airtable even more powerful. You can create forms with sophisticated features that serve multiple purposes. In addition, you don’t have to give users complete access to your Airtable database to enable them to update some parts of the extant data. You can share your Airtable data with people outside of your organization while still limiting their access. With some restrictions, you can let users seek products and services. Miniextensions offers several monthly programs, billed annually, beginning at $119 per month.

5. Whalesync

Whalesync is an application that allows you to create real-time, bidirectional synchronization without writing any code and with just a few keystrokes. You can transform your Airtable data into a backend without writing any code by synchronizing it with Webflow or Bubble. Once you sync two apps, such as Airtable and Webflow, data will be automatically synchronized whenever one of the apps is updated. Whale Sync allows you to map fields or tables that share the same name automatically. This Supercharge Airtable tool looks at the names and knows what to sync, making mapping unnecessary. You can always check for errors influencing your sync on the issues dashboard. The service that caused the error, the time the error occurred, and the error message are some things to check. Whalesync offers a two-week free trial, with paid programs beginning at $39 monthly.

6. Stackerhq

Using adaptable software created by them, Stackerhq allows organizations to revolutionize their methods of operation. Without writing a single line of code, this Supercharge Airtable tool gives you the power of a development team & the simplicity of a spreadsheet. This tool lets you power your apps with Airtable, Google Sheets, and Spreadsheet data. Standard software may need to meet your specific requirements. This tool allows you to create systems that represent your true beliefs. We live in a world that is constantly evolving. Stackerhq allows you to create adaptable software to keep up with the trends and the ever-changing business landscape. Stackerhq offers a 30-day free trial, with paid programs beginning at $59 monthly.

7. Pory 

With the help of your data, Pory is a platform that allows you to create apps visually. To help you create powerful apps, use this Supercharge Airtable tool’s drag-and-drop elements. With just a few taps, you can connect your app to Airtable once you finish creating it. The tool lets you control what users can see, create, and edit within your apps. Using Pory, you can create a membership directory or members-only page.

Airtable data will power membership features such as search and filters. You can create an app to manage volunteers, applications, requests, and opportunities for your non-profit organization. Your Airtable customer data arrives to life as a portal with user groups and permissions. You can create a self-service portal using Airtable data, but you control what users can do and view. Pory offers a 14-day free trial, with paid options beginning at $18/app/month.

8. Softr

The no-code tool features pre-built and functional building elements such as Maps, Charts, Lists, Calendars, and Tables. With its drag-and-drop functionality, you can set up and launch your app. Softr allows you to connect your app to Airtable data. Even better, you can set the permissions for who can view and edit various parts of your application. Windows, macOS, and Android users can download and use the apps you create using Softr on various platforms.

It is also necessary to update the apps with new features and functions. You can create a CRM to track your customers and sales data using this template. Using Softr, you can also create a central repository for all the company’s guides and resources. You can create a portal that enables your clients to administer their projects in real-time and view and update their data. You can create a portal for managing and tracking orders, purchase orders, and suppliers using Softr. Softr offers a free plan, with paid monthly programs beginning at $24.

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The Bottom Line:

Airtable is a tool suited to the modern world, where people and businesses seek efficiency while still wanting to create powerful products. Even though Airtable has some incredible features, the Supercharge Airtable tools allow you to accomplish even more.

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