Top Blogging Platforms For Developers

Blogging Platforms For Developers

Blogging Platforms For Developers: Whether you are a UI, backend, or full-stack developer, blogging is one of the best app strategies you can employ to enhance your reputation. Through blogging, you can share the knowledge you’ve acquired over the years and hone your development skills as you apply what you already know. In this post, you’ll learn why you should blog and the best platforms for beginners. The specified platforms have been ranked according to the following criteria.

  • User Experience.
  • Reader Experience.
  • Community.
  • Ease of monetization.

As A Developer, Why Should You Blog?

You Become Better At Writing

A typical business will consist of project managers, designers, and developers. You may also be working for a different final client. Additionally, we live in a digital world where most developers work remotely and collaborate. Several of the projects on which you will be working will require documentation. Writing annotations on your code is crucial for ensuring others can comprehend it. When working on your projects, as a developer, you must learn how to communicate with other people effectively. Fortunately, writing frequently enhances communication skills. Blogging will teach you to write concise and detailed communications with ease.

Get Opinions From Others

You may have created a revolutionary app. You may have also created a new library that you are okay with other people using. When you blog about such an idea, you will receive user feedback for free. The best idea comes from.

  • Provide a Problem statement.
  • Describe the solution.
  • Describe the development procedure.
  • Explain the obstacles.

Once you have completed the abovementioned steps, you can provide the deployed link or source code for people to test your solution. Remember to invite people to evaluate and comment on your work. Even if it is a solitary project, you may accept contributors.

You Can Create A Community

Some self-taught developers have constant role models they admire. For example, you may find that there is a particular developer whose blog or YouTube channel you always visit when you want to learn Python. You may also find someone else for all JavaScript-related issues. It all begins somewhere, and blogging is a fantastic approach. You can ensure that your blog contains at least 80% of the new things you learn and consistently build a readership. Encourage people to follow your handle to receive notifications whenever you publish a new post. Give people something to aspire to, and be consistent with your blogging.

Sell Your Services & Create A Portfolio

Being a competent developer and attracting customers are two distinct things. Regardless of whether you want to work as a software engineer for an employer or as an independent contractor, it would be best if you learned how to market yourself. You can earn money through the following methods on your blog.

  • Partner marketing.
  • Paid publications or paid subscriptions.
  • Selling eBooks.
  • Promotion of your services.
  • Sponsorships.

A decent blog will serve as a portfolio where prospective clients can see what you offer and your skills. You may not earn any money during the first few months, but your perseverance will ultimately pay off. If you want to make money, choose the app strategies that suit you best. Let’s now examine the best blogging platforms for developers.

Top Blogging Platforms For Developers

As we curated, the best Blogging Platforms For Developers are listed below.

1. Indie Hackers

Blogging Platforms For Developers

Indie Hackers is an online community where the proprietors of profitable side projects and startups share their experiences. This platform’s forum environment is ideal for developers, as they can share knowledge, investigate ideas, and provide support. If you are developing a product or launching a venture, Indie Hackers is your most suitable option.

2. DEV

Blogging Platforms For Developers is a community of software developers online. The platform is suitable for both novice and professional developers. DEV is a blogging platform, a forum, and a discussion room for the exchange of ideas. The platform is created with Forem open source software. Developers can thus inspect the code, contribute to it, or even use it to create similar communities.

If you need clarification, you can refer to the platform’s extensive FAQ section. Ensure you have a strategy and determine the type of content likely to trend and attract followers. Experiment with various features. The benefit of DEV is that it can be synchronized with your blog to expand your reach. You can configure the RSS feed for your site, and DEV will integrate every blog post as a manuscript on DEV. If the content you wish to publish on DEV has already been published elsewhere, you must indicate that, or Google will consider it duplicated.

3. Freecodecamp

Blogging Platforms For Developers

Freecodecamp is a platform where would-be developers can learn to code for free. The platform offers over 9000 tutorials on programming languages, web design, and other topics. Learners can also obtain free certifications on the skills they learn for free. Donations support Freecodecamp, and its content is updated frequently.

4. Medium


Medium is a social publishing platform where influential conversations and ideas are formed. There is no verification process required to activate an account on Medium. You can select the free version or the $5/month unlimited access membership. Even though it accommodates all genres, it is also a fantastic platform for developers due to its awesome features, such as code snippets that allow them to showcase their skills. Even though you can blog about virtually anything on Medium, you must always adhere to the platform’s content guidelines. Extreme or controversial content is likely to be removed by the editorial staff.

5. HackerNoon


You can blog about coding, blockchain, and startups on HackerNoon. Over 35,000 contributors to the platform love to write about all things tech and startups. HackerNoon, unlike most of the aforementioned blogging platforms for developers, has human editors for fact-checking and enhancing your drafts. The assessment of your drafts may take up to four days. After that, the post may be authorized, or you may receive feedback regarding areas for improvement.

The promotion aspect is one of the areas in which HackerNoon dominates competing platforms. Each article is tweeted three times on the official HackerNoon Twitter account to increase its exposure. If your post is selected as a top story, it will be featured on the homepage and in other locations, including the newsletter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.You can use lead images, GIFs, and parodies to increase the likelihood that your article will appear in the “Top Story” section. Your story must also be unique and unpublished on any other platform.

6. Hashnode


Hashnode is a free blogging platform for developers. This platform lets you write your content in Markdown format for simple reading. Tweets, code fragments, and images can all be embedded. Also, you can experience live previews as you generate your content. Furthermore, you can configure Hashnode to automatically submit a markdown version of your article to a private repository on GitHub whenever you create a new post. Therefore, you can migrate your content effortlessly if necessary.

Consider The Following:


There are numerous blogging platforms available. However, the aforementioned blogging platforms are the most suitable for developers. The highlighted blogging platforms for developers have distinctive features allowing you to showcase your skills. In addition, each platform has advantages; you can select the one that best suits your needs.

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